I have great pleasure in welcoming you to the Pilgrim Federation of Church of England Schools’ website. We hope you enjoy your visit and welcome all enquiries about providing the best education for your child.
In December 2011 a small group of highly motivated governors representing four small primary schools met to discuss an innovative way to secure the best possible education for the children in each of their villages. It is a measure of our determination that after just fourteen months of deliberation, consultation and consideration our four-school federation was formed in April 2013.
In forming the Federation we have brought the staff teams together under the strong leadership of a non-teaching Executive Headteacher and a Deputy Headteacher who takes specific responsibility for Teaching and Learning and assessment. In partnership with a Lead teacher in each school and a single governing body this leadership team are able to provide very strong day-to-day support as well as a clear strategic direction for each school.
The Governing Body shares responsibility with the Executive Headteacher for the successful management of each school and the provision of the best possible education for all pupils.
This is achieved through a programme of regular meetings, in-school monitoring and Health and Safety inspections. Governors are also fully involved in budget setting and monitoring meetings to ensure the best value is achieved.
There are fourteen Governor positions and apart from the Executive Headteacher and staff member, who also serve as Governors, all members are lay people from various walks of life who have received training to carry out this important role.
Three committees manage the business of governing: Curriculum, Finance and Staffing, and Vision, Values and Ethos, which ensures that the workload is shared evenly with important decisions being taken to and approved by the Full Governing Body.
The Full Governing Body meets four times a year. A meeting is held in April to elect officers, plan meeting dates for the year ahead, and confirm committee membership. The full governing body meetings are also used to review the delegated activities of each sub-committee and formally ratify budgets and policies. Much of the routine work of the governors is carried out in three committees and every governor sits on at least one committee.
Mr John Burrows
Chair of Governors
Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum committee is responsible for ensuring a wide and varied curriculum that meets statutory requirements. This gives all children an opportunity to make as much individual progress as possible. Regular analysis of anonymised data ensures staff and governors are aware how each child is performing and where to target resources.
Vision, Values and Ethos Committee
This committee reviews and sets the ethos of the school, reviews policies aligned with social and personal needs as well as safeguarding, and ensures that Christian values are recognised and underpin the work of the Pilgrim Federation.
Resources Committee
This committee is responsible for setting and monitoring the budget for the Federation, carrying out Health and Safety inspections with the Executive Headteacher, and also oversees staff contracts and interviews.
Minutes from Governing Body meetings are displayed in each school and subsequently filed after which they can be made available by request.